Düsseldorf has a lot to offer and bars and restaurants is definitely one of them. As you can see from the picture further down even dogs have their own little "bar" outside some restaurants. But again I have heard that Germany in general are very dog friendly. Anyway I was amazed about the great nightlife there and the atmosphere.

There are so many bars and restaurants in Düsseldorf and you might say there is one for every occasion. The river Rhine runs through the city and down by the water front you have a whole promenade of bars and restaurants. Sitting there in the sunset is very nice and even though this might be one of the most popular tourist places the prices aren't that bad. Also these bars/restaurants is open all day all night every day, almost that is. The food they serve is kind of fast food but they also have table service menus. Or you can do what we did, go to a small Chinese take away place not too far from the promenade. Very cheap and very nice.

By going to this Chinese take away restaurant was how we came a cross the first little bar street. In one of the side allies not too far away from the promenade. One of the first bars was this really cute French inspired place with country style furnitures outside and something that looked very popular for dancing and drinking.

Anyway, we like out drinks in any place, like the one outside our hotel.
No, we didn't just stay there. We like to explore the place and find spots with a lot of people and somewhere that has a lot of fun. Trust me Düsseldorf has a lot of those places. Anyhow, they also have some good restaurants and to be honest, the whole city is packed with them!

Lunch at a side walk, with shopping!

One of the streets full of bars and restaurants.

We went to an Italian place, in a street full of bars and restaurants. It was okay but nothing special, the prices was kind of good, it was cheap in fairness. However, as this was in Alstadt (Old Town) there is loads of places to chose from so you will not walk hungry for long.
There are so many restaurants to chose from and if you are unsure about which one to chose I can recommend you to try Tripadvisor. there you will find loads of restaurants and what other people have written about them, I use that a lot. Same goes for bars. And as some people might not be aware of Düsseldorf is called the longest bar in the world ever since the rock band Toten Hosen dedicated their song "Altbierlied" to the city. In fact, Düsseldorf has more than 250 pub, restaurants and bars. We did have time to visit a few, and let me tell you, nightlife is really good here.
The party in this city, or social life as you also can call it, is not only inside the bars, pubs and restaurants, but also outside on the streets, public steps or any other public place you might sit down in big crowds. To be honest I kind of like it, it is very social and a great way of meeting new people. it can be a little crowed at times though so you might want to know your preference here.

I can say straight away that Düsseldorf is a very lively and social city and you have all kind of age groups here, it simply suits everybody. A long the river Rhine it is people all the time, day and night.
Or you can go to trendy Brugplatz for lunch, this is a very popular area and it is right by the river. We had a very nice lunch a Schwan and I can recommend that place if you are looking for a place to eat.
This place brings back memories. I was exploring all of these places that you took pictures. I love Dusseldorf and cant wait to see it again.
SvarSlettFloating in Israel's Dead Sea
I was so surprised that Düsseldorf was so good. I mean the Germany cities you hear most about is Frankfurt, Munich and Berlin, Düsseldorf has not gotten the recognition it deserves :)
SlettIt looks like you got to try out lots of yummy food and drink!!! Would love to travel here someday!
SvarSlettYes it was very nice, I tend to eat and drink my way through my travels ;)