Normally I would not write a whole blogpost about a flight I have been on, however this one is quite special and is so worth to mention. It is without a doubt the best flight I have ever been on , it is nothing like a normal flight experience and this is why.........
I am talking about the business flight from Stavanger, Norway to Houston, Texas, yes it is an all business flight from SAS (Scandinavian Airlines) in co operation with Privat Air. The Boeing 737-700 is custom made to transport 44 passengers on an 10 hour flight, business style and comfort all the way for everyone.
It is not only the seats, food and drink that makes this flight so special, it is the combination of all this and the crews service and friendliness that is the icing on the cake here. Remember that there is maximum 44 passengers on board and that makes the "environment" a little more exclusive and you really feel like you are on a private plane. The crew really makes you feel special and welcome as well, they are absolutely great. Even though you can get a completely flat bed and the toilet is quite small (who cares, you are not going to spend that much time in there anyway), you just forget about it as the rest of the flight is so good. I must admit that I personally thinks that SAS have some of the best air plane food in the world and now they have their own beer which is really good. I mean really good!

The flight leaves from Stavanger around 4 pm so it is the perfect time to eat, drink and just enjoy the flight. This type of aircraft does not have an entertainment system with a TV monitor in the chair in front of you as, so in order to solve this the airline lends you an Ipad with movies and music for the flight.
And last but not least, when you fly from Stavanger to Houston you fly over Greenland and you get the most fabulous view ever, especially when the weather is clear and nice.

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Never been on a business flight. Looks great, especially the food.
SvarSlettIt is great. I have flown business a few times and I love it. You don't need to buy an expensive business ticket in order to do so either, I always use my frequent flyer points to upgrade. You do need to "commit" to an alliance though. I always, more or less, fly with Star Alliance. It is easy to get cheap tickets with Scandinavian Airlines, I just look out for their sale, and then I plan my trips after that :)
SlettDette høres jo helt fantastisk ut! Men kan tenke meg at prisen kanskje ikke er den laveste heller for noe slik :P Maten så utrolig god ut. Og den utsikten over Grønland! WOW.
SvarSlettHelt fantastisk flight dette her, veldig god mat og drikke, servicen var topp og utsikten over Grønnland ubeskrivelig flott. De aller billigste billettene er ikke dyre i det hele tatt (hvis man er litt heldig) tatt i betrakning av at det er en all business flight. Reiser man på utvalgte dager så har jeg funnet billetter helt ned til 6-7000 kr tur retur :)
SlettOi, den prisen hørtes jo virkelig ikke verst ut!
SlettMmmm det der så ikke så verst ut! Maten og utsikten så fantastisk ut!
SvarSlettHelt utrolig flott flytur. Håper virkelig jeg kan fly den en gang til.
SlettSer fantastisk flott ut! Har dere vært på cruise nå? Jeg sitter og ser på eksakt samme cruiserute faktisk (bortsett fra at den jeg ser på drar fra Miami), så gleder meg til å lese om hvordan destinasjonene er :)
SvarSlettJa nå er vi kommet hjem, har bare ikke hatt tid til å skrive så mye ennå. To uker borte fra jobb og det blir litt å ta igjen :) Flott cruise rute synes jeg. Skal skrive et lite innlegg på noen cruise tips som kan være veldig greie å vite på forhånd så man er forberedt :)