Viser innlegg med etiketten Norway. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Norway. Vis alle innlegg

onsdag 9. september 2015

Preikestolen / Pulpit Rock

Et av de mest populære og besøkte turistattraksjonene i Norge finner man et lite stykke utenfor Stavanger sentrum, nemlig Preikestolen. Ja vi har utrolig mange flott og populære attraksjoner i dette landet, men Preikestolen er et ikon særlig for utenlandske turister. 
/One of the most popular tourist attractions in Norway you can find right outside the city centre of Stavanger, it is called Preikestolen, or the Pulpit Rock in English. There are a lot of popular attractions ion Norway but this one is one of the most iconic ones, especially for foreign tourists./

torsdag 27. august 2015

The sights you can't miss in Trondheim, Norway

Hvorfor man burde besøke Trondheim og hva kan man gjøre der? Ikke bare er det en flott og vakker by, men man finner jo en del andre historiske ting der også som man burde få med seg. Man kunne vel latt en del bilder snakke for seg også for idyll det finnes her. 
/Why you should visit Trondheim and what to do there? Not only is is a beautiful city, it is also a historical city with loads of stuff you really need to see and experience. You could also let the pictures speak for themselves as the idyllic scenery is breathtaking./  

fredag 10. juli 2015

Røros - a city on UNESCO World Herritage List

Kanskje en av de vakreste småbyene jeg vet om i Norge, den nostalgien man føler bare ved å gå igjennom gatene der finner man ikke særlig mange andre steder i verden.
/Probably one of the most beautiful little cities in Norway, so authentic and rural you can just feel the atmosphere when you walk through the town. Places like this doesn't exist many places in the world./

torsdag 28. mai 2015

Travel, music and festivals

Det er faktisk en god stund siden jeg har oppdatert noe her inne og det er fordi jeg rett og slett ikke har hatt så mye tid. Ja det har vært både jobb, reising og ikke minst litt konserter som er årsaken til dette, rett og slett bare levd livet. Men nå har jeg litt av hvert å skrive om så oppdateringene kommer oftere fra nå av.
/It's been a while since the last time I've posted something here and the reason is simply because I have been so busy just having fun with some travelling, work and a few concerts. I have been busy living life.But I will be updating this page more frequently from now./

onsdag 28. januar 2015

Norwegian sites on UNESCO World Heritage list

UNESCOs verdensarv liste er lang, faktisk mer enn 1000 steder er skrevet på. Det er ingen enkel sak å komme på denne listen og det er verdensarvkomiteen som bestemmer hvem som er verdige.

<<Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration>>. (from UNESCO World Heritage Center web page)

fredag 24. oktober 2014

Flying from Stavanger to Houston

Normally I would not write a whole blogpost about a flight I have been on, however this one is quite special and is so worth to mention. It is without a doubt the best flight I have ever been on , it is nothing like a normal flight experience and this is why.........

fredag 12. september 2014

Norway top 7 must see

Norway is a extremely beautiful country and I think a lot of people agree with me when I say that this is a gem when it comes to travel, adventure and experience. There is a reason why Norway as a tourist destination has gotten so much attention in the international media over the past years. This is a dream destination, something I haven't learned to appreciate until I was way pas my twenties. Anyway, there is so much of this beautiful country I call home I want to see and I think a share this bucketlist with many people.  
/Norge er et utrolig vakkert land og det er nok mange som enige med meg når jeg sier at dette landet rett og slett er en opplevelseperle. Det er ikke uten grunn at Norge som turist destinasjon har fått så mye oppmerksomhet i utenlandsk media de siste årene, dette er nemlig for veldig mange en drømme destinasjon. det har tatt meg noen år og det er ikke før i mitt "voksne" liv jeg har lært å sette pris på mitt eget hjemland og faktisk ønsker å feriere og oppleve alt Norge har å by på. Hvor mange av oss har ikke en lang list over ting og steder vi gjerne vil se. Jeg vet i alle fall at jeg har en liste jeg virkelig håper at jeg kan oppfylle en dag, blir litt som en innenlands bucketlist dette her./

onsdag 23. april 2014

Typical Norwegian Easter

This is what we do, the majority of the people in Norway still go up to the mountains to their cabin ( or they rent one or go with other friends) and we spend Easter holidays there. Some Norwegians might say this is so 80's and 90's style, but statistics have once again shown us that the mountains is still our preferred Easter holiday destination. So whiles some people spend their holiday in pure luxury we go to cabin where we don't have electricity, water or indoor toilet.

søndag 4. august 2013

Norway Part One

Beautiful Norway !

Far, far north, almost on the North Pole you find the small country of Norway. It has about 5 million inhabitants, they official language is Norwegian, although most people also speak very good English, we have our own currency (Norwegian kroner) and we are not a part of the EU ;) To get from South of Norway to North of Norway you need to fly and that will take you about 2 hours, if you drive it will take you about two to three days, or you can go on a week cruise with Hurtigruta (Bergen-Kirkenes).

onsdag 31. juli 2013

Rihanna in Bergen, Norway

Rihanna in Bergen, Norway! Friday 26th of July we were 6 girls who went to the concert, 4 of us travelled from Oslo, 1 from Kristiansand and 1 was already in Bergen. We were going to rock that place. 20.000 people was at Koengen to see Rihannas Diamonds World Tour. We found a great spot to stand at and here it was enough room for us to jump and sing and go absolutely crazy. Check out this great video from the concert!