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mandag 3. november 2014

Travel 2015, hit skal du reise

Skal vi følge Lonely Planet sine råd om de destinasjonene vi burde reise til i 2015 havner på alt fra Nord Norge til Tasmania. Altså nesten så langt nord du kommer og helt på stikk motsatt side av verden til den Australske øya nesten helt i sør. Selve listen til Lonely Planet er på 10 forskjellige steder i 10 forskjellige land steder og jeg må innrømme at de frister like mye alle sammen.
/If you want to travel to alle the destination that Lonely Planet reccomend you to in 2015 you will have to og all around the world from the North of Norway to Tasmania South of Australia. I must admit that all the places on the list appeals to me and I haven't been to any of those places so I would really like to og some day./

fredag 24. oktober 2014

Flying from Stavanger to Houston

Normally I would not write a whole blogpost about a flight I have been on, however this one is quite special and is so worth to mention. It is without a doubt the best flight I have ever been on , it is nothing like a normal flight experience and this is why.........

torsdag 2. oktober 2014

So where am I going.........


I had a blog post about a month ago where I was wondering where to travel to in October. Well after looking into a few things we found out what to do. It is actually something very relaxing, I don't have to plan anything during the trip, someone will drop us to the places we are going to, I will visit 4 countries within a week and there is a lot of stuff happening all the time and I can choose if I want to participate or not. Also if I want, I can do different activities in the different countries or I can relax on the beach. Sounds like a great holiday, yeah it will be and it is, believe it or not, a cruise.    

mandag 17. mars 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! This is definitely a time to celebrate and I'm so happy that I'm doing that in New York this year again. Last year I was so fortunate that I got to walk in the actual parade in Manhattan, however this year we will be doing other fun things. 

onsdag 5. mars 2014

I need your best New York tips!

So I am going back to New York in the 14th of March and I really need some great travel tips this time. Last year when we were there at this time (we are celebrating St. Patrick's Day in New York for the 4th time) we did something that I don't think we will ever be able to do again we walked in the Paddy's Day Parade with all the Irish people of New York. That is not a typical tourist thing to do so that's why I think it was so great to be a part of it. I have been in New York 7 or 8 times so I have seen loads of it. Written many posts in my travel blog as well.

onsdag 29. januar 2014

Hvorfor stemme på meg i Travel Blog Awards?

Som jeg har nevnt tidligere har jeg blitt nominert i kategorien Beste Reiseblogg i Supersavers Travel Blog Award 2013 og jeg trenger så klart din stemme :)

søndag 10. november 2013

The City - New York

Jeg er i New York igjen!!!!!!!Hurra, det er faktisk tredje gangen bare i år at jeg er her. Har reist litt rundt denne gangen før vi ankom The City så vi har bare 3 dager til rådighet her. Men det er fortsatt 3 dager å bare nyte denne flotte byen på. Jeg har jo sett veldig mye av byen før så denne gangen kan man egentlig bare slappe av litt å gå rundt på Manhattan. Men først en liten overnatting i Hoboken og et besøk hos Cake Boss!

tirsdag 15. oktober 2013

Atlantic City


Summer holiday in the US and this time we flew to New York and rented a car and drove down to Atlantic City.We were going to stay there for 5 days and to be honest we did not really have any expectations to this place at all.

søndag 6. oktober 2013

Useful and useless facts from around the world

 I have traveled a bit and over the years I have learned a lot of stuff from this. Somethings are very handy to know and somethings are just plain useless, but fun to know. Here is a little list over my strange knowledge. I'm sure many people have heard about most of this before but there might be some surprises for you as well. If you know that some of this information is wrong then let me know ;)

tirsdag 16. juli 2013

New York......again and from previous visits!

Things to do

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day weekend!

This year we kicked of Paddy's weekend at Connoly's Pub just off time Square with true Irish traditional folk music, Wolfetones! That was on the Friday evening just after we had landed in New York so we almost went straight from the airport and to the pub.