Viser innlegg med etiketten Australia. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Australia. Vis alle innlegg

mandag 3. november 2014

Travel 2015, hit skal du reise

Skal vi følge Lonely Planet sine råd om de destinasjonene vi burde reise til i 2015 havner på alt fra Nord Norge til Tasmania. Altså nesten så langt nord du kommer og helt på stikk motsatt side av verden til den Australske øya nesten helt i sør. Selve listen til Lonely Planet er på 10 forskjellige steder i 10 forskjellige land steder og jeg må innrømme at de frister like mye alle sammen.
/If you want to travel to alle the destination that Lonely Planet reccomend you to in 2015 you will have to og all around the world from the North of Norway to Tasmania South of Australia. I must admit that all the places on the list appeals to me and I haven't been to any of those places so I would really like to og some day./

mandag 25. august 2014

How many countries have I been to?

/I would say I have been to 50 countries, but not everybody will agree with that. Anyway, I have travelled a lot and I will continue to travel for as long as I can, there are so many places I want to see, and I'm just getting started./Jeg vil regne det som 50 land, men det er kanskje ikke alle som er enige i det. Uansett så har jeg reise en del og jeg kommer helt klart til å forsette med det, det er så utrolig mange steder jeg vil se her i verden, men jeg er også takknemlig for det jeg allerede har opplevd. 

tirsdag 23. juli 2013


It's a long time since I was in Sydney now, about 3 years, however I am going to try to remember as much of it as possible and write it down here. I have loads of great pictures though. What is typical me when I go traveling is that I don't plan everything that I'm going to do, I just go there and go with the flow. Don't get me wrong I do plan a little bit, but I also just like to walk around and see what I find. 

Sydney linken

Her er linken til innlegget om Sydney!
Har store problemer med å få pinget og lagt ut mine nye innlegg så da er det bare å kopiere denne linken inn i nettadressen så vips kan du lese om flotte Sydney

lørdag 16. juli 2011


I really like Melbourne, and I think that everyone who has been there feels the same way. My only problem was that I only had 3 days there and that is just not enough. So how to see Melbourne in 3 days? Well, it is possible, just do what we did. When we first arrived there we went straight to the aquarium, and it was a great experience. Everybody should go there, kids or no kids, it is something you should see. As we like to walk around, we decided to walk from St. Kilda so we could se as much as possible. It was a long walk, think we used about one hour, at least, but worth it. We also passed the famous train station, it is very old, and it has a great history in the city of Melbourne. Very nice building which gave the city a feeling of long and old history.