Viser innlegg med etiketten Texas. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Texas. Vis alle innlegg

torsdag 6. november 2014

Cruise info you wish you knew in advance!... Cruise info du skulle ønske du visste på forhånd!

/If you are going on a cruise you will most likely meet people who have cruised several times before and people who are doing it for the first time. I have been on a cruise a few times, however there are some things I can never remember, important information that I really wished I knew. So the here comes the info you definitely will need on a cruise and that you can't find in any brochure./
Skal man på cruise så vil man møte mennesker som har gjort dette mange ganger og mennesker som er på cruise for første gang. Jeg har faktisk vært på cruise flere ganger, men allikevel er det litt informasjon jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde på forhånd. Ting man ikke husker fra gang til gang blant annet. Her kommer derfor de tipsene cruiseselskapene kanskje ikke gir deg og ting man så inderlig skulle ønske man viste før man gikk om bord.

fredag 31. oktober 2014

Houston, Texas

Er man i Downtown Houston så er det ikke mye som tyder på at dette er Amerikas fjerde største by med over 2 millioner innbyggere (over 5 millioner med områdene rundt), for det er ganske rolig og stille akkurat i dette området. Nå skal det jo sies at dette er en veldig stor business by og av den grunn så skjer det kanskje mer her i ukedagene enn det gjør i helgene, og vi var der fra fredag kveld til søndag morgen så vi fikk vel ikke akkurat med oss hva som egentlig skjer i Downtown Houston. Men det er forsatt verdt et besøk hvis man er på disse kantene, og det er jo noen mennesker der, veldig mange internasjonale faktisk. 
/If you're in Houston, or as we were Downtown Houston, it's not that much that reminds you that this is the fourth largest city in America and that there are over 2 million people living there,  over 5 millions counting the suburbs. It's quiet here. However this is a business city and as we were there during the weekend this is what you should expect. I guess it is more lively during the weekdays when the business is going on, but there are some people there during the weekends as well, a lot of international people actually./ 

fredag 24. oktober 2014

Flying from Stavanger to Houston

Normally I would not write a whole blogpost about a flight I have been on, however this one is quite special and is so worth to mention. It is without a doubt the best flight I have ever been on , it is nothing like a normal flight experience and this is why.........

torsdag 2. oktober 2014

So where am I going.........


I had a blog post about a month ago where I was wondering where to travel to in October. Well after looking into a few things we found out what to do. It is actually something very relaxing, I don't have to plan anything during the trip, someone will drop us to the places we are going to, I will visit 4 countries within a week and there is a lot of stuff happening all the time and I can choose if I want to participate or not. Also if I want, I can do different activities in the different countries or I can relax on the beach. Sounds like a great holiday, yeah it will be and it is, believe it or not, a cruise.