Viser innlegg med etiketten Cuba. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Cuba. Vis alle innlegg

fredag 17. april 2015

Reisefavoitter / My favourite travels of all time

Jeg har jo reist litt i mitt liv og så langt har jeg flere favoritt steder, men noen utpeker seg kanskje litt mer enn andre. Bildet over er tatt på Peter Island på de Britiske Jomfruøyer og det er vel ingen som har noe i mot slike omgivelser. Men i ingen spesiell rekkefølge, her er topp favorittene:
/ I have travelled a little bit over the years and of course I have a few favourite places in the world, some maybe more than other. The picture above is taken on Peter Island in BVI and I don't think anyone would hate those surroundings. So, in randomly order, here are the top favourites:/ 

søndag 21. september 2014

Top 5 destinations to revisit

Some places you are happy with visiting just once but some places you really want to go back to simple just because you can't get enough. So when asked me to post my top 5 destination that I would like to revisit as a part of the Top Destination to Go There there was no doubt in my mind that I would do that.This mostly based on the fact that if I was the one who were looking for somewhere to go I would definitely consider a place a travel blogger would like to revisit. There is no other travellers that are more critical of places that travel bloggers and if they would like to go back it must be good.