Viser innlegg med etiketten Havana. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Havana. Vis alle innlegg

fredag 17. april 2015

Reisefavoitter / My favourite travels of all time

Jeg har jo reist litt i mitt liv og så langt har jeg flere favoritt steder, men noen utpeker seg kanskje litt mer enn andre. Bildet over er tatt på Peter Island på de Britiske Jomfruøyer og det er vel ingen som har noe i mot slike omgivelser. Men i ingen spesiell rekkefølge, her er topp favorittene:
/ I have travelled a little bit over the years and of course I have a few favourite places in the world, some maybe more than other. The picture above is taken on Peter Island in BVI and I don't think anyone would hate those surroundings. So, in randomly order, here are the top favourites:/ 

lørdag 19. mai 2012


7 days in Cuba, my dream had finally came true. Always dreamt of going to Cuba under the regime of Fidel Castro. We were there in 2008 so it is 3 years ago, but I remember it lilke it was yesterday. Cuba is known for its 50s style, with the buildings and the cars, and you don't really get the feeling that we are living in the year 20th centry when you are there. First thing I notised this on was in the airport, they actually use tractors to push and towe the aircrafts, can't see it that well from the picture but I thought that was hillarious. We just landed 50 years back in time.)