Viser innlegg med etiketten Estonia. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Estonia. Vis alle innlegg

fredag 12. desember 2014

The ones who suffer the most

Da var det over, igjen, ett år til neste gang. Man sitter igjen med hjertesorg, glede, beundring, en klump i halsen og hundrevis av tanker og ønsker. Jeg forsvinner litt inn i et mørkt sted den neste uken, det er mye som skal fordøyes og mye man skal innse at man har vært vitne til.
/It is over, again, one year untill next time. You are left behind with a little heartake, joy and happiness, admiration, a lump in you throat and hundreds of thoughts and wishes. I disappear into a little dark place for the next week trying to digest the things I have witness./

mandag 30. desember 2013

SAS Juleflyet 2013, Tallinn

Tallinn, a beautiful old city where you can see the old traditions are still being kept. Beautiful buildings in an Old Hansa town, the prices are good compared to most of West Europe, it's cheap. You have it all here for a great weekend getaway, food, drink, shopping, sightseeing and everything else you can desire. 

onsdag 4. april 2012

Tallinn SAS Juleflyet 2011/ Christmas Flight

First of all I would like to tell a little bit about the history of SAS Christmas Flight, how it started and what is the purpose of it. It was Karsten Midtun who came up with the idea an 1985 when he was the station manager for Norving in Bergen. He wanted to help people in Europe in need, and as Poland was a very poor counrty at that time he chose to go there. He managed to get the contacts he needed and in December 1985 the first chrismas flight went to Gdansk.