torsdag 10. oktober 2013

Hva skjedde med høfligheten?

Hva vil det si å være høflig? Det er nok mange som har sine meninger her, men det finnes jo faktisk en standard på hva som er høflig og hva som er uhøflig. Jeg tror jeg kan si meg rett i at vi nordmenn ikke er av den aller høfligste typen, og i noen situasjoner er vi skikkelig uhøflige. Jeg har bodd i England i et par år og britene er jo verdens kjent for å være ekstremt høflige mot hverandre og jeg har reist mye og sett mye av andre kulturer.

søndag 6. oktober 2013

Useful and useless facts from around the world

 I have traveled a bit and over the years I have learned a lot of stuff from this. Somethings are very handy to know and somethings are just plain useless, but fun to know. Here is a little list over my strange knowledge. I'm sure many people have heard about most of this before but there might be some surprises for you as well. If you know that some of this information is wrong then let me know ;)

fredag 4. oktober 2013


Barcelona, or maybe you can call it Gaudí capital? It is a beautiful city and it is a little different from other cities I have ever visited. Yes, this is where the Gaudí capital comes into the picture. As you might know Gaudí was an architect and he did not like normal squares or "straight lines" and all his buildings / creations shows an impact of this. It is absolutely beautiful. 

mandag 30. september 2013

Ms. Traveltipsy - Reiseblogg / Travel Blog: En serie uønskede hendelser - Caught in the moment...

Ms. Traveltipsy - Reiseblogg / Travel Blog: En serie uønskede hendelser - Caught in the moment...: Det finner haugevis av blogger på nettet hvor menneskene er pene, velstelte, lykkelige, flotte, luksuriøse osv osv. De har masse bilder hvo...

En serie uønskede hendelser - Caught in the moment!

Det finner haugevis av blogger på nettet hvor menneskene er pene, velstelte, lykkelige, flotte, luksuriøse osv osv. De har masse bilder hvor det ser ut som de er tatt rett ut av et mote blad, noen er jo også det, og man blir jo litt misunnelig på at dette ikke er meg og at ikke jeg kan se sånn ut. Hvor mange av oss opplever at bilder som blir tatt ikke er helt heldige og man ser kanskje ikke så veldig bra ut. Vel, nå er det på tide å se den  andre siden, jeg er ekspert på å gjøre grimaser, få dobbelt hake, lukke øynene, ja jeg ser rett og slett bedriten ut på bilder noen ganger. Caught in the moment bilder gjør meg noen tjenester kan man si, jeg er rett og slett i den kategorien som heter ufotogen. Men jeg klager ikke på det, for fy søren hvor mange morsomme bilder man får og en god latter forlenger livet! Så her kommer en bilde serie som jeg har valg å kalle En serie uønskede hendelser - Caught in the moment! Håper latteren sitter like løst hos dere også :)

There are so many blogs these days with people who write about their fabolous life, with fabolous clothes, fabolous makeup, loads of money, happines, pretty people with pretty everything. I guess it is only normal to be a bit jealous of all these fab people who have fab blogs with fab pictures of themselves and their fab friends. Well, now it's time to se the other side, the pictures that did not turn out that fab, pictures you probably just want to forget but we you look at them you can't help cry out in laughter. It is time to share this with the world. I will here present to you a series of pictures which I call Caught in the moment, (in Norwegian it is called 'A series of unwanted events'. Hope this is just as funny for you as it is for me ;)

The ¨I'm going for the ugly face¨................

and the actual ¨ugly face.............¨

¨The closing of the eyes.............¨


And then we have ¨I actually tried to look good¨..................

However, that was not successfull.

Don't forget ¨I didn't like this drink¨..................

Photographers' choise...............

(Thank god you finally used that brush on me)

(f... drunken photographer)

(again f.... drunken photographer)

This is a good category for your pictures ¨You've had better days¨..............

(eh yeh..... don't sing to the camera.... does you absolutely no good)

Let's try that again....

No, that really is unsuccessful.

(Swear to God I don't have that short legs)

(ohhhh Tequilaaaaa, makes me happyyyyy...)

(it's 5 o'clock somewhere)

(are you making a face to the camera or the person above you?)

(Se that girl, watch that scene, diggin the dancing queeeeen......)

(Yes Satan.......)

Then every now and then you really get the pictures you can call ¨Caught in the moment¨..

(This is so not what it looks like)

(This is exactely waht it looks like)

(You managed to take of your trousers but not your shirt and socks?)

(Hmmm, maybe this is the picture that should have been called ooohhhh tequila, makes me happy....)

(If both of us really consentrate now we are so going to win this)

(I take my dance moves seriously)

(I told you I was a classy lady........ seriously it's Cristal!)

(maybe not so classy... sassy?)

(hey....... don't take that tone with me...... yeh, well.... I don't like you..)

The category "tired are we" can produce some good moments...

Well, I guess this is a post that can be updated all the time, so I'm definitely going to do that. Until next time..........
