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Viser innlegg med etiketten Food. Vis alle innlegg

tirsdag 27. oktober 2015

Siena, Italy

Siena is a city in Tuscany, Italy and the historic centre is on UNESCO's World Heritage list. It is a huge tourist attraction and it is best known for its cuisine, art and museums and of course for its medieval cityscape. It is an absolutely gorgeous city and a must see. 

/Siena ligger i Toscana området i Italia og byens historiske senter er på UNESCO sin verdensarvliste. Siena er en stor turist attraksjon i seg selv og er mest kjent som en kultur by, men selvfølgelig også for sitt fantastiske middelalder preg, som går igjen i de fleste bygninger. Denne koselige og utrolig sjarmerende byen er noe man bare må få med seg hvis man er i Toscana./ 

tirsdag 10. februar 2015

Chicago dining tips

Da vi var i Chicago var faktisk et av målene våre å spise på en skikkelig bra restaurant. Det skulle være mat i ypperste klasse, og noe som var annerledes enn de andre restaurant opplevelsene, og det skulle være en forehåndsbestemt meny fra kokken. Det skulle være noe Michelin over det
/When we went to Chicago one of your main goals was actually to eat in a fabulous restaurant. The food had to be great, it had to be different and it had to give us a food boost we would not forget. The menu also had to be decided by the chef. We wanted somethin Michelin./

tirsdag 1. juli 2014

Rimini, Italy

På østsiden av Italia, langs kyststripen til Adriaterhavet finner man turist byen Rimini. Her myldrer det at sommer turister fra mange forskjellige land i Europa, ja sikker noen fra andre steder i verden også som for eksempel Russland. Det var i grunnen ganske mange russere og andre Øst-Europeere her og kanskje ikke det mest populære stede for skandinaver selv om vi hørte noen. 

/On the East side of Italy, along the Adriatic Sea, you find the city of Rimini. The city is full of tourist from different countries, mostly in Europe and especially Eastern Europe and a good few people from Russia, however not that many from Scandinavia./ 

tirsdag 24. juni 2014


Düsseldorf weekend, shopping, dining, sightseeing. This German city with all its sits, architecture, the river Rhine, locals and tourist mingling together in a city that had a lot more to offer than what I thought. 

mandag 31. mars 2014

Brooklyn, New York

This is not the first time I have walked over Brooklyn Bridge, however this is the first time that I actually spent a whole day in Brooklyn. We are walkers, that's for sure, so we do use a lot of time just walking around. Going to Brooklyn was no different. We just had to start our Brooklyn day by walking over the bridge. That I think is a must do in New York, it is an absolutely beautiful walk and to get to the underground stop where you start the walk is very easy if you are on the Manhattan side. 

fredag 28. mars 2014

Manhattan, New York

So I have been here a few times so now it's about time to find some new stuff to write about. That's not difficult at all. We arrived on Friday and already then we had plans for the evening. Lucky Cheng's Drag Cabaret dinner show. We had reservations at 7 so we got our food before the show started. It is really easy what they do in this place, you pic out a starter and a main from the menu and u all get a dessert to share, it's 40 dollar pr person and some of the dishes have an extra charge. It is well worth the money and the food is okay and the show is great. Will highly recommend this place, so much fun, you will find it at 240 W 52 St.

fredag 4. oktober 2013


Barcelona, or maybe you can call it Gaudí capital? It is a beautiful city and it is a little different from other cities I have ever visited. Yes, this is where the Gaudí capital comes into the picture. As you might know Gaudí was an architect and he did not like normal squares or "straight lines" and all his buildings / creations shows an impact of this. It is absolutely beautiful. 

mandag 29. juli 2013

Dublin again.....

This is the third post about Dublin so this time I will just write about what we did during our weekend there, no facts, just what to do. We flu from Oslo to Copenhagen and on to Dublin on the friday, landed at 6 ish so that meant we would have the evening in Dublin. Started the trip with some free coffe and tea from SAS :)

fredag 5. juli 2013

24 timer i Budapest

Dette er faktisk min andre gang i Budapest, men har av en eller anen merkelig grunn bare bilder fra denne turen.  Vel, det var tid for tur med jobben og de neste 24 timene skulle vi bare kose oss, spise god mat, drikke godt og ha det gøy.